3 Spring Rituals To Adopt For Your Skin Care!

3 Spring Rituals To Adopt For Your Skin Care!

The days of dry winter cold are behind us! Spring now enters the picture: the season of renewal, sunny, warmer and more humid days. As your skin adapts to the cycle of the seasons, it is important to adapt your facial and body care routine accordingly!

Here are some skin-friendly and environmentally friendly tips for adapting your face and body skincare routine to the season.


Throughout the winter, face and body skin become drier, thicker and rougher. With the arrival of spring, it is important to gently get rid of dead skin cells for a smoother, healthier skin.

Avoid abrasive exfoliants that can be too aggressive for the skin and cause irritation and sensitivity. Also avoid scrubs containing synthetic microbeads, which are not biodegradable and present major ecological issues.

A simple way to naturally and gently exfoliate dry skin from the face and body is to use a daily ultra-mild and organic exfoliating cleanser with ingredients such as shea butter, poppy seeds and oat bran.


As moisture levels increase and the skin produces more sebum in the spring, opt for a moisturizer with a lighter, non-greasy texture for the skin.

Avoid overly rich and oily textures that could leave a shiny film on your skin throughout the day.

Moisturizing and plumping ingredients such as hyaluronic acid are perfect for maintaining skin hydration without a shiny effect. For example, you can use Pur&Pure Hydrating Face Cream or Pur&Pure Face & Body Lotion.

To boost the moisturizing effect of your facial care while providing an immediate refreshing effect at any point of the day, add an organic tonic lotion to your skin care routine.

Avoid alcohol-based tonic lotions that dry up the skin, and favor the synergies of organic floral waters as with the Face Toner.


As it brings back agreeable weather, Spring is the ideal season to reconnect with nature in all its splendor… But whoever says “sunny days”, says “sun” and whoever says “sun” says “protection”! Many conventional sunscreens based on chemical filters have proven to be toxic to coral reefs and today represent a real threat to the marine life ecosystem. These solar protections have even been banned in some regions and states around the world. To effectively protect your skin from the sun while respecting the oceans and the environment, choose a biological SPF 30 sunscreen based on mineral filters and composed without nanoparticles. For example, use our Mineral SPF 30 Sunscreen, to re-apply every 2 hours!

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